Our Services

We help customers make good decisions.


We bring our very best to your project.

Our approach is to listen, understand customer problems and educate them about technological developments that matter to their business. Our priority is to help our partners make good decisions to grow their businesses.

Particularly valuable is our equally balanced expertise in hardware and software. While most firms specialize primarily in one or the other, it is our equal strength in both that stands out. This combination shortens schedules, reduces design risks and allows for early cost optimization. These advantages make a difference not just at product introduction, but throughout the long-term life cycle of customer product designs.

When combined, our qualifications create the capability to rapidly conceive, implement, and produce the best systems possible for today's needs.

Below are some of our services:

Concierge Manufacturing

In the sometimes messy world of hardware production, Tier One's Concierge Manufacturing service emerges as a reliable, expert, and innovative solution. We've designed our services to simplify your manufacturing process, reduce risk, and ensure your product's longevity, making procurement a smoother experience.

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Internet of Things

We have deep expertise developing technology for the Internet of Things (IoT). This refers to the network of objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet. These devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools. With more than 10 billion connected IoT devices today, experts are expecting this number to grow to 22 billion by 2025.

Electronics design services

Our engineers have designed more than 1000 complex printed circuit board assemblies. Our customers often depend on our electronics design expertise to maintain the very lifeblood of their business. Many of the products based on our designs have shipped in high volume, serving as critical components in the revenue streams of hundreds of businesses throughout the world. Beginning with specification development, we provide all design services required to prepare electronics for manufacturing.

Embedded Software Development Services

For these categories we provide among the most comprehensive capabilities available anywhere.

Manufacturing Support Services

We have trusted relationships with domestic and international manufacturing organizations, and often assist our customers in finding the right partner for their needs.

Technology Research Services

Tier One customers have long relied on our technology expertise, looking to us for valuable guidance when making difficult product development investment decisions.

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